Posts Tagged ‘Washington DC’


November 18, 2011

We made a trip to Washington, DC last week.  An exciting place for an American Studies major to visit, but her 6 yr old and 2.5 yr old children? Perhaps not…. Below is a photo of my younger daughter sleeping at, of all places, Lincoln Memorial.

But my older daughter was more, well awake, and open to hearing me point a few select things out. She usually shuts me down after 2 sentences of information. The names of the states around the top of the Lincoln Memorial and why Lincoln was an important president.  Can’t get started on explaining the concept of slavery, but could make some sweeping statements about him being a great leader during a difficult time in the country (when people were arguing a lot about how the country should work since it was still very young).  And then comes the super easy connection with “this is the man behind Lincoln Logs!”  Phew, that caught her interest.


She must be dreaming of visiting Colonial Williamsburg....

Fast forward a few days and my daughter sees a $5 bill and points out that “we visited here, right?”

“Well, yes, yes we did !!”   I was really excited that she realized this. I think seeing this president’s image on money solidified just how important a leader he was.

It was one of those moments when you’re thrilled to see your child grow and learn. Must be similar to the little magical moments teachers witness each day when their students make connections.