Posts Tagged ‘library’

Fleeting Days of Video & Book Stores

August 25, 2011

First, apologies for how long it’s been since I blogged… it has been a busy summer both revamping my business (behind the scenes stuff mainly) and trying to create some cool memories for my daughters. Back to school is just around the corner, along with some more free time as my youngest starts preschool 2 afternoons per week.  I am hopeful I can add more to the blogosphere then.

With the recent announcement of Borders stores closing, and kind of mourning the “end-is-near” for book stores, I started to think about how all the Hollywood Video and Blockbuster stores have closed in my area as well.  I can’t remember how many years ago I last rented a video from a bricks and mortar store.  In any case, someday maybe my kids and grandkids will ask me about growing up and jobs I had.   I’ll start talking about my very first job at Movies and More, Sharon Mass’ premier (and only) video store… and I’ll quickly be interrupted with “um, what’s a ‘video store?'”

I guess I’m getting to that age when the next generation won’t be able to fathom my childhood before the arrival of the Internet, 100+ TV channels and cell phones.

My kids will know libraries, but will my grandchildren understand the concept of a physical library (another job location of yours truly)? I think archival libraries are here to stay, but the town libraries – what is to become of them?  Public programming spaces?

Just keep your eyes open as the physical world about us changes and take a mental note.  Remember your ordinary daily experiences.  We may well have to explain the idea of grabbing a coffee and perusing the “summer classics” and “NY Times Best Sellers” tables at a big book store some time down the line to perplexed progeny.